Thursday, May 15, 2008

Can I Go?

So, this is how the conversation went last Friday between me and one of our preschool-aged AWANA girls:

Girl: Guess what? I'm going to a birthday party tomorrow.
Me: Wow, whose birthday?
Girl: My friend. She's turning 5.
Me: [with glee] Can I go?
Girl: [pure silence]
Me: [with a saddened look and pouting] Why not? [fake tears start to roll down my eyes]
Girl: [glaring at me] BUT YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HER!
Me: [trying to hide my chuckling]
Girl: Hey, you're not sad! You're laughing! You're laughing!

I find my conversations with her hysterical sometimes. Nevertheless, she is one of the most intelligent kids that we have. And with her big ears, one of the cutest. But, I love them all and so does my wife. So, this is why we are returning to AWANA at CEFC next year. Hopefully, you will consider AWANA too.

1 comment:

Victor said...

Props to you both for continuing on in AWANA. Your servant's heart is very encouraging and admirable!