Monday, April 28, 2008

Thoughts About Adoption and Other Stuff

So, I was reading the news today and I found out that the country of Vietnam is no longer accepting applications to adopt. Although we are not adopting from Vietnam, the fact is that many needy, abandoned children will now be denied a loving home. Not only is Vietnam prohibiting adoptions, but other countries (i.e. China) have now made it increasingly more difficult for couples to adopt.

Adoption, in my opinion, ideally should be an easy, affordable, quick process. It is a process by which both the child and the parents both benefit.


On a side note, also in the news are those "racey" photos of Miley Cyrus. The pictures are NO BIG DEAL. A little bit of her back is exposed and the media blows it waaaaay out of proportion. I'm not a Miley fan but I do care about her reputation and influence.


Another side note: Reverend Jeremiah Wright. The words he speaks definitely is not right. After what he said today, how can anybody vote for Obama?