Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sound Asleep

I average about 8 1/4 hours of sleep per night. I know that this is A LOT but this is how my body functions. If I get anything less than 8 hours, I feel sleepy and my eyes either start to redden or shut. If I get too much sleep in any given night, the following night I have trouble sleeping because I have overslept. I have to have the perfect amount.

Weird? You may say. Well, all I got to say is that I am weird. Last week, my co-worker noticed that my keyboard is sloped downward instead of the typical upward or leveled slope. She said, "that's weird!" Funny thing is that the office manager passed by and told me that my keyboard is ergonimically positioned.

A side note: I am tired of listening on TV to Brittany Spears news!

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