Pastor Ken is the head pastor at Evergreen LA and in his
blog entitled, "Is Dating the Same as Being Equally Yoked?", he wrote the following to validate the topic of dating non-Christians:
"I think it's wrong to talk/teach as if non-Christians are out to drag Christians away from their faith in Christ. I think the onus really is on the Christians, not the Non-Christians. If you can be pulled away from your Christian faith, then I question how much it meant to you."
"Another point: to be intellectually honest about this subject, more professed Christian couples are getting divorced these days than Non couples."
"Would I ever condone our daughter dating Non-Christians? We'd certainly be steering her towards dating Christians... "
I know that I wrote about this subject earlier this year, but to me when Christians, especially pastors, do not follow the Word of God, it's frustrating and downright sad. Regarding the 1st paragraph, Satan is always on the attack and will use people (boyfriends/girlfriends) to pull you from your faith. You can never be too careful. This is why it's important to have a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse to be a believer, not to mention a Biblically-sound one, so that he/she can encourage you and help you fight and resist the Evil One. Regarding the 2nd paragraph, this divorce rate is a disturbing fact, but it doesn't condone dating non-Christians. It merely states that Christian couples are very much succeptable to divorce and should be on their guard. Christian couples must strengthen their relationship with God, who will then in turn strengthen their marriage. Regarding the 3rd paragraph, the correct answer should be "I will always love her for the person God has created her to be and will teach her that she should ONLY pursue Godly relationships in her dating life."
Needless to say, I'm glad that I no longer attend this church.